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Presiding Deity: Brahma

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Beej Mantra: Om Hreem Namah:

General Benefits: The 4 Mukhi displays efficacy in strengthening memory. Creative energy, concentration and a single minded focus are enhanced. Students, writers and artists benefit tremendously when they wear it. The wearer is blessed with knowledge and constructive ideas. The power of creativity and knowledge becomes synonymous with the wearer.

Spiritual Benefits: It enhances the power of the mind to focus, helps to concentrate and improves memory. It energizes the 7 chakras to spin at a higher frequency and experience enhanced divine vibrations. The 4 Mukhi Kantha made of 32 beads enhances the optimal functioning of the Chakras.

Health Benefits: It is recommended for people who suffer from brain disorders. It is beneficial for dementia and Alzheimer’s. Differently abled children are suggested to wear this bead.

The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha helps the wearer experience unity with divine knowledge blissfully. Wearing it gives a sparkle in the eyes that stems from enthusiastic learning and willingness to express creatively. So wear the 4 Mukhi and experience the divine power of Om Saum Sat Chit Ekam Brahma.


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