Presiding Deity:Â Kartikeya
Ruling Planet:Â Venus Beej Mantra:Â Om Hreem Hum Namah General Benefits: It is said to be good for the intellect and it aids in improving ones communication skills. When invoked, it is believed to bless the wearer with wisdom, increased intelligence, will power and a steady mind. It said to improve artistic qualities, expression and oratory skills. It is believed to be good for teachers, executives, journalists and those who want to improve their communication and marketing skills. The wearer of this Rudraksha is free from emotional trauma and learns to live and appreciate life without wallowing in grief or self-pity. The wearer is said to achieve dynamic energy, love, beauty and harmony with learning, wisdom and knowledge. Thus the wearer will have a better understanding of love, music and personal relationships.
Spiritual benefits: Ancient texts say that wearing a six mukhi energizes the Svadhisthana Chakra (the sacral chakra) to improve vitality and clear any obstructive energy.
Health Benefits: It helps in keeping diabetes and thyroid under check. It is believed to be good for the reproductive organs and strengthens the prostate glands in the males. It helps in mitigating gynecological issues in women. It is found useful in strengthening the functions of nerves and muscles.
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