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Presiding Deity: LORD SHIVA AND LORD HANUMAN Ruling Planet: SATURN AND MARS Beej Mantra: “Om Namah”

General Benefits: This bead nullifies the malefic effects of both Mars and Saturn. It is good for overall luck. It enhances and energizes the Ajna Chakra thereby improving intuition. This leads to right and quick decision making that results in successful outcomes. It is the most recommended talisman for people in land and construction business, industrialists and high authority professionals. Even people dealing in equity, mutual funds options and derivatives are advised to wear this for success in speculative transaction.

Spiritual Benefits: When you wear a 14 Mukhi on your third eye during meditation it helps open up the Guru Chakra/ Ajna chakra. The third eye enables a person to see the future by giving valuable insights. This improves intuitive guidance enabling the wearer to connect to the past, present and future. It shields the wearer from negativity or disturbances during spiritual practices.

Health benefits: The 14 Mukhi aids in strengthening the muscles and bones in the body. It is good for people suffering arthritis, piles and obesity and other chronic ailments.


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